Thursday, 16 May 2013

Ways to make the number 10

In maths we have been playing the game dice roll. We roll 2 and sometimes 3 dice and add the numbers together. It's a super way to practice our addition basic facts. Today we recapped the ways to make the number 10 to help us when we are adding 3 dice together. We made a rainbow to help us. Look at Georgia's great book work!

Tuesday, 14 May 2013

Measurement Olympics!

For the first 5 weeks of this term our strand maths topic is measurement. We have been learning to measure using a ruler in the first week and today started the Measurement Olympics! There are 3 events in total, all involving a pom. Our first event today was Kick the Pom. Here are some snaps of us busy at work.

Monday, 6 May 2013

School Cross Country

The School Cross Country is in the second week of Term 2 on Thursday 16 May. We were training hard as a class before the school holidays and I am excited to see who has kept up their training over the school holidays. See you Monday!